
Derrick, Dustin, Heather & Leroy Break Down Ep.3-MTV 'Battle of the Exes' | Podcast

February, 14 2012
Derrick Kosinski's "Ultimate Challenge Radio" Powered by Talent Network
Hosted By: Derrick Kosinski
Ultimate Love to:

"Tough Luck"

For 2 episodes in a row now, 2 teams have gotten eliminated from the competition?!?! Last week was the 1st time that's ever happened in challenge history!! This week history repeated itself! Not only that,but one of the teams,Dustin and Heather, got the boot because Dustin received stitches in his knee!! If you're a challenge fan, you know that there have been their fair share of stitches passed around over the years,and people have NOT gone home for them! On top of that,within hours of Team Deather getting dismissed, Aneesa slammed face-first into the water coming up with a mouth full of blood!! In the end, Aneesa did require stitches and was not sent home?! Dustin and Heather have stopped by the podcast to explain their thoughts on all of the madness that ensued during their 1st adventure with the challenge. Joining the conversation is their Real World: Las Vegas roomie who has plenty to say in regards to his partner and historic dome domination. You don't wanna miss this podcast as the discussion gets pretty heated between Leroy and Heather. Dustin disappears a little as Derrick referees. Lol. As always,sit back, relax, and laugh a little as you once again get a deeper look into "The Challenge."

Sit back, relax and enjoy the stories that you can't hear anywhere else.


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MTV Challenge Derrick Kosinski Podcast Heather Dustin Leroy

Dustin Zito on Twitter (@DustinZito)
Heather Marter on Twitter (@HeatherMarter)
Leroy on Twitter (@RoyLee25)
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Ultimate Challenge Radio, Derrick Kosinski Podcast
Derrick Kosinski Podcast
    Derrick, Dustin, Heather, Leroy Ep.3 BOTE Podcast 

-2012 Grammy Awards
-Hot Pilate's with T.J. Lavin
-Broken Bones and Stitches
-The Intensity of an Elimination Round
-Inside The Dome: Leroy's Perspective
-The Positive of Keeping Wes Around
-Dustin and Heather's Game plan
-How Leroy and Naomi could have made to the end
-The Helicopter Malfunctions
-Dustin an d Heather as a Threat
-Breaking Down Naomi's Mindset
-Naomi's Bark
-Heather Holding Her Ground
-I'm Sorry,I'm Not Sorry
-To Hook Up or Not To Hook Up
-Real World Vegas: Part 2

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(Check Him Out, Listen and Like) 

K Mitch Way Down RecordsInitially an aspiring basketball superstar Kelvin Mitchell or "KMitch" has gone through his fair share of ups and downs but feels now he has finally found his true calling. Upon receiving a basketball scholarship to the University of Denver in June of 2007 this is where KMitch would be introduced to Shervin Bunch and his home based label Waydown Records, but after an incident that would force KMitch to not only transfer schools but also leave the city of Denver the promise that Waydown records saw in KMitch would be put on hold. Later in 2008 KMitch would find himself trying to salvage his basketball career and keep his music hopes alive in the city of Ada, Ok. There he did several shows opening up for the likes of Slim Thug, E40, and Twista just to name a few but completion of a project was tough due to the separation from his executive producer. "Confidentally" feat Terry Black a song off his debut album "True Testimony" began getting spins on Ada's radio station 105.5 the x-factor and was highly regarded as the next hit and also showed the major potential KMitch possessed as a solo artist. As his music began to gain more exposure his dreams of playing collegiate basketball began to fade. In 2008 he left ECU in Ada to pursue his music full time. Making pit stops in Dallas and his hometown Houston Texas KMitch has finally found his home in Pittsburgh, PA where his label is currently based. Enhancing his lyrical ability through growth and his life experiences KMitch is now more determined than ever to show the world he is the next best thing and is here to stay for years to come. Copyright 2012 Waydown Records all rights reserved Reproduction or use of audio, video, editorial or pictorial content in any manner is strictly prohibited without express written permission from Waydown Records 2012.


  1. Heather is a good f##&*** friend.

    1. Gotta give Heather credit. She really tried to polish a turd with this one. We all know that you can't take up for a stage 5 clinger.

  2. This gives me a better perspective of Heather and Dustin. I never watched Vegas 2011 but from BOTE they seemed so isolated, but they really know what they're saying. Both of them seem like funny and genuine people, I wish they would've stayed longer.

    1. They are together. They live together.

  3. Around my way we call girls that let dudes hook up with girls in front of them, and turn around and hook up with those dudes jumpoffs. Heather elaborately tried to explain Naomi's plight, but Naomi is just a jumpoff. That's why Leroy never respected her. Naomi didn't demand any kind of respect from the outset, and really tried to flip the script later on. As the old saying goes, "start out the way you can hold out." Honestly though, Leroy put up with alot of crap from a woman that he wasn't even dating though. That's what bewilders me...

    1. Jumpoffs or hoes, but names are suitable. I don't know what's going on in society where they want to be treated like princesses and queens. But its out there. Feel sorry Leroy though, he's just in a situation with a complete headcase and her friends are defending her craziness.

    2. stupes!!!!!!!!!! so y would leeroy wanna be hookin up with her when there are no cameras? team naomi!!!!!!!!!

    3. STUPES???? LMAO!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA Yeah! All of you are Stupes! Only, Naomi fans, only Naomi fans...

  4. I don't know why Naomi is being helmed as the victim. She didn't even come to challenge for the right reasons? The only victim here is Leroy.

  5. Glad they got into the twitter war and didn't just pretend everything was good between everyone. I feel a LITTLE bad for Naomi because I don't think she intended to ever feel something for Leroy...but at the same time she's a nut and needs to back off of him now. I think it would've been one thing if she was just sad that he didn't want anything to do with her...but actively threatening him and other girls is nonsense.

  6. Folks don't take these threats Leroy was saying Naomi made lightly. My best friend was stabbed by a girl that sounds eerily similiar to Naomi. My man never dated (we'll just call her Jill) Jill but they were past sex partners. She started making threats to him and said the next time she sees him with another girl she's killing him and her. He told me she said this, and I LAUGHED. We all laughed. Little did I know she actually meant what she was saying.

    We went to see Kanye on the Glow in the Dark Tour. Me, two of homeboys, and two girls. One of "Jill's" friends were there as well and called Jill after the show and told her that she saw us, and that we were with other girls. Mind you, my homie and "Jill" were not dating. They weren't even banging anymore.

    "Jill" gets in her car and shows up at my homie's house. We're all there talking about the show. We hear the doorbell ring, and my homie answers the door, and like a blur I just hear my homie scream. The worst sound I've ever heard in my entire life, and it still haunts me to this day. He staggers backwards, and falls on the couch. "Jill" is coming towards him at this point, where my other homie tackles her and subdues her until the cops show up. My homie was in ICU for THREE DAYS.

    She stabbed him in the neck, and ALMOST killed him. She got sentenced to ONLY 4 years in prison, and is up for parole in a few months. My homie is fine now, he's a Christian (we call him Tebow) and he's married with one beautiful son. Folks I'm telling you don't take folks making threats lightly. Because I laughed then, and cried later. All it takes is for someone to run into the wrong person.

  7. Wes would whoop Derrick's ass. It's funny how Derrick only talks shit about him on the podcasts when there's no chance for Wes to defend himself. But when they do challenges together Derrick never says shit to Wes.

    1. NO ONE CARES. This podcast had nothing to do with him. Jesus Christ find a fucking hobby.

    2. You're man that Wes >>>>>>>>>>>> JEK + Derrick.

      You Wes haters are funny. Wes and his fans have much more successful lives than Derrick, JEK, and they're pathetic fans.

    3. and also *their.

      You sound like the same kid that was arguing with other people on the last like six comment boxes. For someone with a successful life you spend a lot of time on a guy you don't like's website defending another dude (if you're a guy).

    4. Nope. I just find it funny how Derrick talks about Wes on every podcast even when he's not on the show anymore. He's clearly a jealous loser who wishes his life was even half as successful as Wes'. The Challenges are Derrick's life (and he's done way more than Wes has) and he's still not nearly as good, or famous on them as Wes is.

      I guarantee if Derrick gets on another challenge he'll just fade in the background and not get any air time until he's sent home. And he won't say half the shit he says on the podcasts to Wes' face.

    5. Maybe it's because he had the guy who beat him on the podcast plus two people who Wes was trying to get to jump on his bandwagon. They only talked about him for five minutes tops in a 90 minute podcast and I doubt that we'll hear about him from Derrick for the rest of the season.

  8. Its one thing to have feelings someone. Its another to be making threats at that person and the other people they are involved with. That's unacceptable, and this podcast pretty much sweeps that under the rug. Why are Naomi's threats not an issue, but Leroy banging her one too many times is? Leroy is not the bad guy here, even though Heather tried to paint him as he was.

    1. Exactly, and we thought Adam Royer was the crazy one in Vegas. Geesh Naomi. Get some counseling.

  9. What I really love about this show is that it basically incorporates core survival skills you need to live in this world and puts it under a microscope.

    This is a dog eat dog world, and the only way to get ahead in this game, just like in life, is by being a wolf in sheep's clothing.

    Don't believe me? Take a look at the most successful people in our society- politicians, guys like Donald Trump and Mark Zuckerburg. They all stabbed people in the back to get where they are.

    Don't believe me, then just ask Derrick... He hates Wes. But he keeps quiet about it and anything else that pisses a lot of ppl off cuz he cares more about us downloading and listening to his podcast so he can make money.

    It's all about being one step ahead....

  10. Sorry, but the other two songs served for better intros

  11. So Naomi is just a thirsty hoe, and Leroy is the blame? FOH!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Heather should really be a lawyer. I mean she really made a compelling argument. It was bullshit, but she made it.

  13. Heather's arguement was not bullshit. Leroy IS partly to blame. Here is this girl (Naomi) who is literally crazy about you,and scares you,makes threats,etc,but as soon as the camera is off when they got kicked off and were in the hotel room, you sleep with her? That is where he went wrong. Sex is sex to him but he knows she is in love with him. How hard is it to find another jumpoff or bootycall? He needed to cut her off completely. But it does seem like all parties have moved on since the show,Naomi has a new job as a case manager and Leroy has another hookup.

  14. Naomi is not crazy. Its clear they have a relatoship beyond TV. Great podcast! Heather and Dustin are smart in the game too bad they had to leave. Leroy had a lot to say about Naomi but I think its time to hear her version now.

    1. Nobody wants to hear her crazy ass. The woman is delusional. She thinks Leroy loves her more than she loves him.

    2. No she's not crazy. Actually, calling her crazy is giving crazy a bad name.

  15. Naomi needs to get real friends that will tell her the truth about her craziness and not make excuses for it. He should of stop fucking with her after she flipped out over cook wearing his shirt. that bitch crazy!

    1. Exactly, and Leroy should of cut her off completely LONG AGO. That's the only place he's at fault. You could tell Naomi is only surrounded by YES girls, that go along with everything she says. Heather and Nany both do this. With these type of friends she'll continue to do the same things over and over, and it will always be the guys fault.

  16. Heather is smart I really like the way she try to play her game not make alliances with johnny and wes was a smart move I mean they were just 2 episodes but still,she knows how to play I really like to see her in other challenge but Im not sure about dustin he seem likes a little kid fooling around heather was the brain in the game.And about naomi and leroy thing I like leroy hes smart and he knows how to play naomi is not a challenge girl,also I think she is really possesive u can tell by the way she looks at him when he was dancing with anessa and talking to other girls,leroy really should cut off any type of sex relationship with her cuz its obvious that naomi wants to be more than friends and I agree if nany and heather are almost sisters with naomi they should tell her the true cuz she is not an angel.

  17. Heather is not a Yes friend,she is not defending Leroy's accusations that Naomi is crazy. In the podcast she even said she told Naomi she was and how she was going to look,Naomi did not care. She just wants him to admit his part of STILL sleeping with a Naomi when he KNOWS how she feels about him.

  18. why allu hating on naomi 4? first of all naomi is the realest person on this show, she dont act for the cameras!!!!! she wanted to hook up with leeroy so she tell him that cuz everytime they meet thats wat they do is hook up.. leeroy on the other hand hooked up with her as soon as the cameras was off!!!! but anyways she is over him now!!! team naomi

    1. ITA with this statement/post.

    2. I guess you're team psycho then. There's no way any normal person would cosign her nutty behavior. Making threats and breaking into hotel rooms. At the end of the day, she is in the wrong for that, not Leroy because he didn't promise her anything.

  19. Great podcast, Derrick. It'd be cool if you could get Naomi on now, to hear her side of this story.

  20. Damn, I respect Heather. Loyalty is scarce as shit these days. Way to have your friends back...especially when we only know bits and pieces of the full story

    1. Love Heather she truly did stick up for her friend.Short but to the point, I applaud you.

  21. CT! That's all I wanted to post because he is not being talked about enough, Love him!

  22. Naomi is the reason why us decent girls can't get respect from guys now. They run into so many Naomi's that are down for anything that they think all girls are like that. Its sickening and pathetic. Naomi has to check herself before she ever thinks she can criticize Leroy about anything.

  23. Great podcast! And shows why the Vegas cast was one of the most interesting ever. Heather and Leroy are both smart in their own ways, so listening to their back and forth was interesting. It's true Leroy should just cut off hooking up with her altogether, but he still owes Naomi nothing and Naomi has no right to go around making threats. I wish MTV had shown more of Naomi walking around the house threatening girls and giving Leroy a hard time. Heather didn't even deny that! It would have been interesting to see. All we saw was her talking crap about Paula. Naomi has that DGAF attitude.

  24. People you've only heard one side of the story so how can you judge someone off of that; unless you're in the room while it's going down you shouldn't really have anything to say about it.Yes Naomi did look very naive for hooking up with someone emotional unavailable but I still like her. All the Naomi hate is not necessary.

  25. I still love Naomi so screw yall haters. What would you do if you were in that situation since majority of you are so quick to judge?

    1. Most self respecting women wouldn't get in that situation. Only jumpoffs do things like that. I know one of my girlfriends is that girl, so I'm speaking from experience.

    2. Okay any normal girl would not break into a guy's hotel room out of some obsession. She's psycho.

  26. A stage 5 clinger, and that's all we have here. All clingers do the same thing. They take any insignificant amount of attention and translate it to mean the other person is in love with them. That's all. The whole world saw it, and matter of fact 2.2 million people saw it Feb 1, 2012 at. And judging by twitter most folks know that Naomi is just a delusional, clinging, psychopath. Take it for what its worth.

    1. She is delusional because she's claiming that she met Leroy's family and she thinks that makes it serious. She just met a few of his cousins when they were out one time.

    2. This is completely false.

  27. If we ever could have pictures in the dictionary, Naomi's picture would be beside the definitions of jumpoff and thirsty.

  28. Okay Leroy said that Naomi actually threw a fit at his hotel and demanded to be let in his room claiming they were together. He said he got to his room and she was in his bed. Brandon confirmed this. Sorry but that is psycho, stalker behavior and Nany and Heather need to stop enabling it. Leroy didn't do anything wrong. He never promised her anything. He just needs to cut it off completely and he has. Naomi is crazy.

  29. I don't see how Heather was enabling it when she said she told Naomi her actions were wrong, but Naomi didn't care. I think her only point in the podcast is that Leroy shouldn't say he isn't sleeping with her on camera for when it is clearly just an act, and he sleeps with her the second they're off the show. I think it is more Heather telling Leroy that he needs to stop sleeping with her because it's only making things worse. If Leroy really thinks she's so crazy and was a real man, he shouldn't be sharing his bed with her. "realtalk" Ha


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