
MTV: Battle of the Exes: Mid-Season Recap w/ Derrick, Evan & Cohutta | Podcast

March, 08 2012
Derrick Kosinski's "Ultimate Challenge Radio" Powered by Talent Network
Hosted By: Derrick Kosinski
Ultimate Love to:

Welcome to the Mid-season Smack-down here on Ultimate Challenge Radio where we'll be recapping the top stories of MTV's Battle of the Exes midway thru the season.

We'll be talking about who's hot and who's not,the positives and negatives of the season,and what should be done about it. Derrick is graced with the presence of colorful commentary from Cohutta Lee Grindstaff (Real World:Sydney) and the ever so hilarious Evan Starkman. Be fair warned: There will be a lot of topics covered and a lot of people mentioned and just as many "Suck Yeah's" and "Suck No's" handed out. So if you're deeply concerned about the safety of one cast member or another,you might wanna take a breather before you listen. As you know, the challenges aren't for the weakhearted and for the overly sensitive. We feel the same way about our listeners. So, get ready for some old school no holds barred kick some but action from the guys. And as always sit back, relax, and laugh a little. Be prepared for some extra Dunbar talk this podcast. We think Evan misses him.


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Ultimate Challenge Radio, Derrick Kosinski Podcast
Derrick Kosinski Podcast
    "Battle of the Exes: Power Rankings" Podcast 

-Dunbar as Rabnud
-Cast Members on Spring Break
-Giving Out Suck Yeah's and Suck No's
-Robin's Run
-Jungle Fever
-X-Play: Abram vs. Ty
-A Little Less Focus,A Little More Booze
-Paula's Ruining Relationships and Still Winning
-C.T. and Diem's Big Blowup
-Camila and Goonies
-Exorcism of Camila
-Running Up Slip and Slides
-Repeating Dome's
-Rachel and Aneesa vs. A Lot of Guys
-Accepting an Elbow
-Ultimate Fighter Season 5
-Challenge Madness Intro

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Evan Starkman on Twitter (@TheEvanStarkman)
Cohutta Lee on Twitter (@CohuttaLee)
John Cofer on Twitter (@CoferPottery) Cohutta's Roommate-The Ultimate Fighter Season 5
Derrick Kosinski on Twitter (@DerrickMTV)
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  1. hahahaha the spring break group. I laughed my ass off as soon as Evan said Nick Brown.

    1. I forgot who Nick Brown even was. I Had to look him up...I dont even see why hes doing Spring Breaks still lol

  2. Great Podcast. Loved to hear them both wish they could come back to do more challenges!I wish the ESPN guy remakes the challenge and brings back old members.

  3. I love Kenny and Evan but I think they're waaaaaay funnier without each other. Johnny and Kenny are awesome together and the Cohutta/Evan combo had me cracking up on this one. Kenny and Evan just talk over and try to out-story the other.

    Also you know you've listened to the podcast too many times when you recognize stories that have been told in old the CT Myrtle Beach and Dunbar's pullup bar.

  4. I dont know what had me dying more, Bill Gibbons(Cohuttas voice), Dunbars employee handbook, or Johnny feeding sloth a babe ruth to calm it down.

  5. This was waaaay too funny.

  6. Cohutta is a sweetheart and has the most adorable southern accent and seems like a genuine guy. His girlfriend is lucky. Evan and Johnny are the best talkers on the show, so they are perfect for these podcasts. OMG the Goonies references had me cracking up.

  7. I saw Cohutta's twitter and he posted a picture of him with his gf and she is so pretty. They look adorable together. Bet he's the sweetest boyfriend.

  8. i love how evan thinks ct has lost a step because johnny won the rope/ball mission thing. If they are in an alliance, of cousre CT wasn't going to try to hurt JOhnny or check him. The other two guys are too dumb too, and Mark is prob in that alliance as well. So no one payed any attention to JOhnny and he flew up there. It still was impressive, but it would have been dumb for CT to fight JOhnny when the whole goal was for ONE of their teams to win. They were both high fiving after Camilla beat DIem, so clearly they didn't care as long as one of them won....

    Evan will throw any reason to bash ct he can. But eh was dead on about Diem, she is average at best at the challenges.

    1. ^ so true.

      Funny that Evan was quick to put it on Vinnie for coming in fat-as-hell, esp. when he held that title on the previous show (Rivals)

    2. Evan said that because he already knows the outcome of this challenge you have to wait an see, and if CT and JB have an alliance why CT wanted to vote against him in the last episode. Evan is the only one of the JEK alliance who has given a lot of credit and props to CT unlike Kenny and JB in the past.

  9. Evan will take any reason to bash ANYONE. All of his jokes are based in cutting somebody else down. He's not funny, he's just a bully who intimidates people into laughing at his rehearsed jokes. I can't stand him. Bring back Mark.

  10. Nick Brown ... the MOVEMENT.

  11. Any other Ultimate Challenge Radio Fan notice that the Ending of the Myrtle Beach story changed? Last time Even said CT was flown out to go film the cutthroat episode, now he said it was cause he owed money? I doubt the second version because if that was true, no place would want to continue booking him and they do! It was also funnier last time, when he was saying CT asked him to get a pair of boots and a batman shirt, and that's all he even had. It's weird, I like Evan, I just think at times he changes his stories to fit what he's talking about in order to be funny and rateable.

  12. omg he killed me at the end!! when he said add my girlfriend and tell her how lucky she is to have me LMAO
    Love this one guys!!

    you need more with these two Derrick

  13. Great podcast. I had to laugh when Cohutta tried to call Evan out about nonsensical not being a real word and Evan just blew him off. If you call someone out, you should at least be correct. I still love Cohutta!

  14. Camilla is defiantly not top 5!


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