
MTV The Challenge: " Battle of the Seasons: | Derrick, Eric, Sarah Podcast

October 1, 2012
Derrick Kosinski's "Ultimate Challenge Radio" Powered by Talent Network
Hosted By: Derrick Kosinski
Ultimate Love to:

"C'mon MAN!!!"

Please check out our New Sponsor @Progenex and stop by their site We would really appreciate it.

In the mean time, enjoy a very fun podcast with two classic characters from "The Challenge." Eric and Sarah continue to surprise people whether they're winning or losing. The same happens on this podcast with these two. They prove to show that it's NOT everything you see on T.V. Take a listen as these guys give us an inside scoop behind the scenes,before the scenes,and LIVE in person with no edits. On top of that,we've implemented the "C'mon MAN?!?!" theme and it will most likely become a re-occurring phrase as it is with the ever so awesome NFL commentators, thanks to Eric and Sarah. Haha. Cheers guys. Enjoy.


Team Ultimate Challenge Radio

Derrick Kosinski Podcast MTV the Challenge battle of seasons

Ultimate Challenge Radio, Derrick Kosinski Podcast
Derrick Kosinski Podcast
  "Battle of the Seasons" Eric & Sarah 

-Master Mind Frank
-Lines are Drawn
-Fresh Meat Targeted
-Battle for Face Time
-Playing a Shady Game
-Eric's Strength and Power
-Before the Show Begins
-Road Rules Team Revealed
-The Unvoting
-Mental and Emotional Breakdowns
-The Challenge: Rookies vs. Vets
-Marie Running Shit
-Why Trey's Crying and Ready to Quit
-Eric and Devyn's Rondevu
-Sarah's New Man
-Alton's Age
-Zach and Frank's Kiss
-Danny and Melinda's World Record
-Robb and Marie's Sandwich
-Zach and Jonna the New King and Queen??
-Chet's Woman
-Knight and Jemmy's Comedy Show
-True Thoughts and Feelings Come Out on the Podcast
-Oil Wresting vs. Olive Oil

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Eric Banks on Twitter (@EricBanks) also at
Sarah_Rice on Twitter (@Sarah_Rice)
Derrick Kosinski on Twitter (@DerrickMTV)

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iTunes: "The Way Down Anthem"

Kmitch MTv Derrick Kosinski Podcast Waydown Records


  1. Some Thoughts...
    -The Vets this season are weak. I only consider Alton, Trishelle, and Wes as real vets. I hope some old school cats and shockingly JEK come back on the next challenge to put these rookies in their place, especially Frank!
    - Team Road Rules with Darrell, Derrick, Rachel, & Katie could've KILLED IT! Imagine the look on the faces of all those RW teams if Team RR came out of the van lol.
    -CJ/HeartThrob & Leroy are now considered Vets since they did two Challenges (CJ- FM2, BOTS2) (Leroy- Rivals, Exes).
    -Derrick tell BMP to make CutThroat 2 pitting Real World (Red) Vs. Road Rules (Blue) Vs. Fresh Meat (Green).
    -Alton or Alton 2.0 is 32-years-old. He was 22 when he did RW: Las Vegas and the dude is a beast! Top five male challenger for sure.

    Overall good podcast "D" even though I really don't like Eric and Sarah that much. Hopefully JEK make an appearance on a future podcast to put these loser rookies like Frank in their place

    1. It takes rookies like Frank for me to wish at least one of JEK were there...

  2. Another great podcast! I love that Sarah and Eric were very clear and let each other talk. Evan gives great commentary (one of the best) but it was so annoying how his phone kept going out last time! Anyway, I am a bit disappointed the Australia thing wasn't brought up, but otherwise great.

    1. The rumor is that the reason the Fresh Meat team was needed so last minute was because a team from the Australia season was originally there, but had to leave due to something found in someone's bag. I thought I saw Derrick tweet that the podcast would have the details but I guess they aren't going to cover it.

  3. Uhh Susie??? The All-star girls were Veronica, Rachel and Tina....Susie was the reason why her team lost the final mission on "Extreme Challenge". NO Sarah. Susie was a bitch on The Ruins, targeting V to do her dirty work.


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